BOT 570
BOT 570 (formerly BI 570/670), Community Structure and Analysis (4 cr). Offered winter term (January to mid March) every year. Quantitative methods for the analysis of biotic communities, including community concepts, estimation of community composition parameters, theoretical aspects of multivariate methods of analyzing species importance data, and overview of multivariate tools; hands-on computer analysis of data sets. Prerequisites: a course in ecology; ST 412/ST 512 or equivalent; calculus. 3, 1-hr lectures/week; 1, 3-hr lab/week. See PDF of syllabus. [Download course packet. Download lab data sets. NOTE: these downloads are disabled except when applicable while the course is being taught]
Enrolled students: The lab activities are in a pdf file available for download as part of the packet of materials for this class. Please visit the Canvas site for this class for the class packet, syllabus, and other announcements. You must be registered for the class to access the Canvas site for this class.
Enrolled students: The lab activities are in a pdf file available for download as part of the packet of materials for this class. Please visit the Canvas site for this class for the class packet, syllabus, and other announcements. You must be registered for the class to access the Canvas site for this class.